Sunday, January 16, 2011

June & December by Anis Afiqah

Our group, Flymind and other groups were given a task, to create a calendar using our own theme. So, we decided to do Angel & Demon's theme for our calendar. I did the June and December.

These are the process of making my June (Angel)

First of all, I used quick selection tools to select my photo.

I dragged my photo, created a new layer and placed it at my selected background.

Created a new layer again to make the retouching easier. I also did some outer glow to enhance myself as an angel.

Put a pair of wing on both of my arms to make myself look like an angel :)

Edited the bottom by using hue/saturation.

Placed the numbers at the top by using text layer. Dropped some shadows to it.

Added June 2011 and done!

My June :)

These are the process of making my December (Demon)

First off, I chose the most appropriate face expression to suit into the mood. Then, I used quick selection tools to select the part.

Second was, placed that part exactly where you want and did some size reducing on that to make my demon balance.

Did some research on the background and I've picked this one.

Placed the demon on the background and retouched, reduced down the opacity to 80%.

Chose the spooky font to make my December scary as hell.

My December :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


this is the month of july and the editing was done by ANIS DIYANA AHMAD 

open new file > size A4 and resolution is 300 .this is the background for the calendar. 
 i paste a photo of myself in the background.resize by clicking shift+using mouse

i use channel mixer to make sure my photo and the background mix together and didn't look like i paste it.
i resize the photo of myself to blend with the background. 
to make myself look more dramatic, i download a blood brush set and put it under my mouth. by using blood color after that i use blending option and play with the opacity.

 as a dark angel, we have to have i decide to put a black wing behind my back by using brush tools
and i put the calendar of july in the photo and using font eras bold ITC 
and i group it together in a group.

and this is the final outcome :)