Friday, December 17, 2010

Angel Part 4 : The Group Photo ( Goodbye for now )

After a long and tiring day, we gathered together to for a group photo. Thanks for reading.

Angel Part 3 : The Lalangs

*the lalangs*

And so here we are, our photoshoot area. Reason why we chose the lalangs as a background because we agree it had enough "umpphh" to showcase our angelness. We played with lighting a lot since it gave us the desired effect we wanted. All in all, it was a great day, next all we had to do is some photo manipulations. 

* pictures shown are not 100% final pick*

Angel Part 2 : The Area / Light Testing

After we've settled with each of our individuals pictures. It was turn for us to do our photoshoot which wasn't that far from the area before. Now here's us testing the lightings and all. 

Unfortunately, we decide it(the area) didn't had that "ummpphh" we wanted for our angel photoshoot. Thus, off we go to a distant place...with a lot of  lalangs!!

Angel Part 1 : The Individual Pictures


We had our first photoshoot for our calendar. We chose Angels as our theme for the calendar, hence the all-white dress code. Our leader was mainly in-charge of the photo-taking since he's most experienced in this field. But we all contributed successfully. We started off the day by taking individuals pictures of yourself ( which was awesome!